The qualitative components of the study have now been completed and the findings are being written up for publication.
We are conducting interviews with GPs who provide care to patients with small varices to explore factors that help or hinder success in implementing the beta-blocker treatment strategy as part of routine clinical care.

Why are we interviewing GP’s?
The BOPPP trial is comparing Carvedilol and placebo in the prevention of variceal bleeding. We have interviewed GPs in regards to their experiences of barriers and enablers to implementation in primary care.
What will the interview involve?
You will be invited to take part in a telephone interview with a researcher to share your experiences of barriers and facilitators to implementing the BOPPP treatment strategy. The interview will involve an informal discussion with the researcher where you will be offered the opportunity to share your ideas and experiences. With your consent, the interview will be audio-recorded in order to capture all of your experiences accurately. Your responses will remain confidential. We expect that each interview will last between 30-60 minutes.
I am a GP, can I take part?
Unfortunately, recruitment to the GP interviews has now been completed. Whilst recruiting to these interview, we were looking for GPs that provide care to patients with small varices in the community. We are interested in your experiences and views on acceptability, challenges and concerns around dose titration for patients with small varices within primary care.